Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Analysis of Exposing ones identity

nine 'shoot four' This photograph has now been processed numerous times, this is to enforce how we constantly expose our identity, Although over time we may change our identity, this communicates that you may change what you want your identity to in fact be, although it will always remain somewhere, whether it is online as a pixel, in a photograph or as a memory, you will never be able to completely wipe your exposed identity. It is who you are and what makes you who you are.. This is communicated through the blurry image, it is left to last as it builds up the concept of what the viewer has seen earlier, so the viewer knows what the image resembles, although it is a trace of the real photographs, the longer exposure enforces that is was once a full picture but as light has entered through the aperture the photograph has evolved and changed a direct link to how we do so within our own skin. Thus concluding in an experimental exposure of an identity, which is aided within the digital realm. Context on shoot four can be found below

eight 'shoot three' - refer to below

seven 'shoot three' To project the identity publicly, literally, shot onto the side of a building, the audience becomes real. The photograph suggests how we publicly expose our identity.
shot with : Canon 1000d
application : projection onto side of building

six-represent the exposure of identity 'shoot three' projected image from shoot two, to re enforce how we may change our exposure, or how we may project our identity.
shot with - Canon 1000d
application - projection on to wall

five 'shoot two' communicates the exposure of a digital identity
canon G11
print outs of initial photograph, stuck on to wall and photographed

Most successful





Above Final photographs
The first four are from the final shoot, and communicate the conclusion to my assignment, Although I believe they are not the most successful. I have also included a series of five above these four shoot four photographs, to enforce the concept of my process, also I believe they are the most successful at communicating my concept as they are not to hard to read in terms on context, whilst the final shoot four photographs are a little misleading if you didn't have the earlier photographs as a guide to the development of the aesthetic. Refer back to initial concept.

shoot four

shoot four

Fourth shoot.

These are also apart of my final images, these have taken the next step as they are processed to enable the concept of how we change our exposure as we change our identity. Once again this is communicated in a very similar way, The images are from earlier shoots (shoots two and three) the photographs where put through a slide how and projected onto a wall and photographed with a long exposure. This is to imply that over time we change our identities but we leave traces of our old self behind, these photographs act like evidence, although our idenitity become altered we will never be able erase our pasts.

Iso - 80 to reduce noise
30 second shutter speed

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